The last known person to achieve this was known as Othinus, who became the Magic God instead of Ollerus. Although the scene may not be completely clear at first, this is confirmed to be Nono's fate at the end of Diebuster.She's also the original Odin and more such beings like her exist. After absorbing the energy of a new Big Bang, she leaves off to an unknown dimension, trascending spacetime itself in the process. Son Goku in the last episode of Dragon Ball GT (it's hinted at), as he says goodbye to his friends and family, then leaves and apparently merges with Shenron and the Dragon Balls.The title of the show's final episode: "The Story of Your Life" is actually reference to Ascended Nono watching over Lal'C's life from up there, from a place beyond time.
#The grundle the taint the fleshy fun bridge series
In the series finale, the title character and Cute Alien Girl Eureka decides to sacrifice her mortal form and become the new Coralian Control Cluster, replacing the previous one which had been destroyed by series Big Bad Dewey Novak, in order to prevent The End of the World as We Know It. Her Love Interest, series lead Renton Thurston, talks her out of it and their newly sentient Humongous Mecha, the Nirvash type ZERO, does it instead.

#The taint the grundle the fleshy fun bridge meaning series#

In Fist of the North Star, Toki and Raoh both literally ascend to the Heavens when they die.A more optimistic way of way of looking at what happened to the dragons in Fairy Tail. Kaioh also has his own version of this by engulfing himself with lava with the corpse of Hyoh after being defeated by Kenshiro. #The taint the grundle the fleshy fun bridge meaning series#.